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Tuesday Night NYC Klezmer Workshop with Jeff Warschauer Continues with Free Open House on 1/22/02

January 20, 2002
For Immediate Release
Contact: Stacey Bosworth at (212) 889-6800 ext.271

Klezmer Workshop with Jeff Warschauer continues with a free open house
7:00 PM on Tuesday, January 22, 2002

with continuing classes on Tuesday Evenings through February 26 

The Workmen's Circle is now accepting registration for their "Klezmer 
Workshop with Jeff Warschauer". 

For more information on costs for each class, or for the entire session: 

Please call Stacey at 212.889.6800 ext. 271
or e-mail nyregion (at) circle(dot)org(dot)
The workshop is held at The Workmen's Circle
 45 East 33rd St. (between Park and Madison Aves.), NYC.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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