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Ma'oz Tsur-iss

A little morning Ma'oz Tsur-iss [the opposite of Eine kleine
nachtmusik?] to you....
I'm not usually given to dreadful puns but this one is kind of
irresistable (sure, sure, that's what they all say...) Anyway, disregard
the last message about losing JMD, it has now magically re-appeared.
I've forwarded your various questions to Solly.
About his comment about Ashkenazim predominating in France, though, and
after reading Sam´s comment about Moroccan cantors in Hamburg, I went
back to Edwin Seroussi´s great little book "Spanish-Portuguese Synagogue
Music in 19th century Reform Sources from Hamburg" (Hebrew U., Magnes
'96) - for one thing, he mentions the adoption of Sephardic melodies in
French synagogues; also, re Hamburg, he doesn't talk much about
Moroccans but does thoroughly examine Sephardic music in Hamburg which
came from the Portuguese ex-converso Jews and their relationship with
Amsterdam - which itself, like Livorno, had had a lot of Moroccan
and so on.
cheers, Judith

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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