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Re: Chava Alberstein's "Foreign Letters," Yiddishkayt & Israelis

A brief look at the Hebrew original of the MOOMA review of "Foreign
Letters" verified CJWalker's translation.  I was looking for the meaning
of "letters" in the title song, as in 'mikhtavim' or 'otiyot,' but that
is the one in English. 

The messenger shouldn't be blamed for calling attention to attitudes 
toward Yiddish in Israel (and elsewhere) that apparently still prevail 
even today.

It's interesting how Yiddish is so often a Rorschach blot rather than 
merely an authentic form of Jewish expression alongside others.
'Vifl in di oysyes zaynen trern,' so many tears are in the letters, but,
if only the tears are seen, it's easy for some self-styled "strong and 
courageous" Israelis to dismiss what they see as reminders of what
they've conjured as the "weak and cowardly" way of life (and death) 
of their recent Diaspora predecessors.  Chava Alberstein's defiantly 
proud presentations of  Yiddish music deserve "kol hakavod" in 
addition to praise for their musical achievements.

zai mir shtark un dermutikt (and a happy Thanksgiving yontev to all)

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