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new Di Naye Kapelye


Simon has just sent me the latest Di Naye Kapelye CD for review. I can
tell you in a phrase that it is the best traditional klezmer album I have
heard in ages. It is brilliant. It rocks. It is possibly the sexiest
klezmer album I have ever heard. All this, and without horns and Americanisms!
(Well, with few Americanisms--the title song is from a Mo Asch-produced '50s
Folkways album.) Oh, and the liner notes? To die for. They even contains a
rather damn good recipe for Matzo Ball soup, which is what you may need to
revive yourself after too many repeated listenings to this album.


Don't wait for me to review this on the KlezmerShack. Contact Simon,
the American importer of this amazing spot of plastic, immediately.

Oh, the mail also brought a CD release of the Chicago Klezmer Ensemble's
first recording, once available only on cassette. But that is only 
extraordinary and amazing:


Ari Davidow
ari (at) ivritype(dot)com
list owner, jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
the klezmer shack:

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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