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Re: New CD: Di Naye Kapelye


I hope that all is well with you.  Things are good here.

I found the time to present an abbreviated version of my Music of Blacks and
Jews at Dickinson College, Harrisburg, PA.  I should tell people about it --
they may be interested at places like the Wiesenthal Center.

On to other matters.

I'm interested in
1) " A Mazeldiker Yid".  $15
2)  "T'zlili Hamuzika - The Sound of Music (Israeli Cast Recording) Chani
Nachmias, Sasi Keshet - CD This is the Israeli "soundtrack" of the world
famous musical performed in HEBREW.  $15.98
3) "Arboleras - Cancionero Sefardi Del Siglo XX (Sephardic Songs From the
20th Century) - Vol 3 -CD  Jose Manuel Fraile Gil - Produced by Susana
Weich-Shahak .  $18.98

Do you have any of the following as well?  Please tell me how much they
would cost before you ship.

1. "Beyond Recall ... A record of Jewish musical life in Nazi Berlin, 1933-
2. Italian Jewish> Musical Traditions from the Leo Levi Collection
3. Diaspora museum records: "eliyahoo hanabee" - the musical tradition of
the bene Israel of Bombay (India)
4. Adonai In Dub
5. Waletzky, Josh: Crossing the Shadows


----- Original Message -----
From: <Klezcorner (at) aol(dot)com>
To: "World music from a Jewish slant" <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2001 2:51 PM
Subject: New CD: Di Naye Kapelye

> We just posted the new CD," A Mazeldiker Yid" by Di Naye Kapelye (with
> collaboration from members of Muzsikas) on our web site.
> You can read more on this CD at:
> This is an EXCELLENT recording.
> All pre-orders we have received on this CD will be shipped out by Tuesday.
> Ths CD is on Sale at $15.00 --shipping included --with all PRE-PAID orders
> through the month of November.
> Hatikvah Music
> 323) 655-7083

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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