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Re: top-secret klezkamp website

Usually when pages like this are found, it means that you are looking at a site 
that is in development. It doesn't necessarily mean that this is an official 
development--it could be something that someone is developing hoping to 
convince (in this case) Living Traditions to use the design.

When an organization has an official website it is a safe bet that when the 
organization feels that information is ready for the public, it will be live on 
the official website.

It's interesting to preview pages that are likely to be the Living Traditions 
website soon, but it's also a bit like confusing a band practice space with an 
actual concert. 

Please don't use this list to spread such URLs--it is a disservice to the 
organizations, and mostly hurts them by spreading confusion. (For instance, 
once a site goes live, the development site will no longer be updated. Looking 
for current info on Klezkamp? Too bad!--and both you and Living Traditions 


At 01:45 AM 10/27/2001 -0400, you wrote:
>Some guy in a dark alley whispered this address into my ear:
>Not sure why this isn't linked from oh well.
>-naicisum red vokay
>"No Frank?!?!"
>"Get more bells and whistles, with fewer strings attached." - advertisement.
>---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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