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Transmigrations: Gilgul by Wolf Krakowski

Here's some new information about Transmigrations: Gilgul which was mentioned 
on the list a few days ago, from Kame'a Media:

This week, the Yiddish World Music CD,"Transmigrations: Gilgul" (Tzadik
Records) by Wolf Krakowski, occupies the Number 1 position on the New World 
chart on WHUS-FM (U. Connecticut (at) Storrs)

In a related vein, the song "Warsaw" ("Varshe" composed by Benzion Witler)
from "Transmigrations: Gilgul" has been selected for inclusion in a
forthcoming exhibit on the History of Warsaw Jewry to be mounted during Khanuke 
at the
Nozyk Synagogue in Warsaw, Poland by the Warsaw Jewish Community.

For more information, visit Kame'a Media:
A "Best of the Web FIVE STAR Site"

*"Rages against the legacy of the Shoah on behalf of the culture it couldn't
quite destroy"
-- Dr. Alex Lubet, U. Minnesota (POLIN, A Journal of the Polish Jewry,

*"This is the real thing, bubbies"  -- Downtown Music Gallery (NYC)

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