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Fwd: looking for klezmer teaching materials in buenos aires

Those who have heard, or even better, who have met, Marcello Moguilevsky
and his partner, Cesar Lerner, know what great music they've been making in
Buenos Aires, and what a pleasure they are to work with. 

If anyone can help this request, I encourage you to write directly.
And, of course, cc: the list--it's a common question. I've suggested
"The Compleat Klezmer" and the new "Joy of Klez" for some starters,
but there seems to be a lot more out there, perhaps some better adapted
for teaching kids.


> From: "moguilevsky lerner" <moguilevskylerner (at) ciudad(dot)com(dot)ar>
> To: "Ari Davidov" <ari (at) ivritype(dot)com>
> Subject: Klezmer en Buenos Aires
> Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2001 13:08:01 -0300
> Dear friend Ari: 
> I start to work in a "Klezmer School Project". and I need help to write the
> programs . 
>    * For example: definition of Klezmer (roots , history) 
>    * Diferents styles 
> Do you have any books about this with music scores and/or tapes or CDS?
> I´m work with a student of mine that try to help me : Her name is Alicia
> Burdeos and maybe she will contact you to ask for material
> Thanks a lot
> Best Regards 
> Moguilevsky

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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