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Boston Jewish Film Festival, klezmer lecture

There are a couple of events that might be of interest to list members.

Boston Jewish Film Festival:

1.      "The Komediant" about the Burstein family (Th 11/8 8 p.m.Coolidge
Corner, Brookline).  Lillian Lux is scheduled to appear!

2.      "The Key from Spain: The Stongs and Stories of Flory Jagoda, Mon
11/5 7 p. m. at Coolidge Corner Theater, Brookline

3.      Not music, but if you were at KlezKamp 3? years ago, Sandi DuBowski
showed the beginnings of a film he made on gay and Lesbian Jews in the
ultra-Orthodox community - and the completed film, called "Trembling Before
G-d" which was screened at the Sundance Film Festival and has been touring
the world is being shown Sun 11/11 1 p.m. at the Coolidge Corner.

Full details re. the festival are at:


4.      Hankus Netsky will give a lecture entitled "On Klezmer Music" [vos
nokh?] for an hour at 7:30 p.m. at Boston U's School of Management, 595
Comm. Ave. on Wed. 10/31, followed by a KCB concert (or rather, a subset
of) 8:30-10 p.m.  Free.
It's part of a conference called "The Shtetl: New Evaluations of Its
History and Character.   617-353-8096 for more info.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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