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Re: Budowitz Concert Review

I might add, that getting Hester Lox to rave about a performance
--especially about impeccable musicianship--is rare, indeed. I am 
so so so so so jealous. But then, Josh, and the rest of the Budowitz
crowd really are that good.


At 02:17 PM 10/3/2001 -0700, you wrote:
>FYI-- This was posted to another list:
>Budowitz performed in Berkeley last night, and will be
>doing another 
>tonight (Wednesday) in Felton, in the Santa Cruz
>Five musicians, each one a master on his instrument,
>did a beautiful, 
>touching job with some very complex music. What was
>most striking to 
>besides the skill and musicianship, which were
>extraordinary all 
>around, was
>the constant, attentive  communication between these
>performers; it was 
>though each man was proud to be seen with each of the
>other four. This 
>was no
>fake enthusiasm routine. These men clearly have
>complete respect and
>admiration for each other as musicians, and really,
>really enjoy making 
>Josh Horowitz, tsimbl and button accordion
>Tamás Gombai, violin
>Zsolt Kürtösi, cello
>Sándor Tóth, kontra
>Christian Dawid, clarinet
>We were treated to a stunning (though quite
>abbreviated) Kalotaszegi 
>cycle by
>the three Hungarians; the rest of the evening was some
>of the most 
>and, well, lovingly-performed klezmer music I've ever
>heard. The 
>Freight and
>Salvage in Berkeley was pretty full, especially for a
>Tuesday night - 
>175 people? - yet you could hear a mouse peeing on
>cotton during the 
>show - well, not the right metaphor, exactly, but you
>know what I mean. 
>was one rapt audience - and deservedly so.
>Musicians who've toured together for years, as have
>these, often look 
>bored with each other, and with their material. Not
>Budowitz. Every 
>minute of music was savored as a delicacy by each
>performer, whether he 
>playing at that moment or not. This was truly striking
>to me, and to 
>professional listeners who later remarked on it as
>well. The result was 
>treat for the eye and the heart, as well as the ear.
>Budowitz's CDs, and those of some of the performers in
>other combos, 
>available for sale. The two I've listened to
>extensively are gorgeous. 
>But if
>I could, I'd go again tonight and hear the same pieces
>(and a few 
>preposterous stories, courtesy of Josh Horowitz) all
>over again, to 
>the musical intimacy and energy of this group.
>Tonight's show is at Henfling's, 645 Sequoia, in
>Felton. If I get any 
>details, I'll let you know. Hope you can make it.
>-- Hester Lox
>San Francisco
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