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Re: "pulled from distribution" Mickey Katz record on eBay

farfl wrote:

> ...
> The most telling clue to this suspected hoax is the label itself.  I
> blew the label picture up in Photoshop; the font for the title is
> crystal clear, while the rest of the
> label is a bit blurry.  Two of his letters are anti-aliased, and there's
> a bit of the record label that's been erased in Photoshop to accomodate
> the new title.
> Try it yourself! Looks mighty suspicious.
> Just thought I'd let you know.
> Best Regards,
> Steven.

Too right about that label.  I could have forgiven the incorrect Mel Blank
entry as an oversight in producing a promo record, but zooming in on that
image gave away a lot.  There is a repeated brownish fleck which is the same
shape in numerous spots in the background in the region of the title, and
appears to have been part of the plain green area that was used for the "cut
and paste" over the original title of the single.  Also the circular
staining really fades out in the title area and there are even plain white
pixels in a straight line where a "paste" of backgrounds didnt quite meet.
The kerning (anti-aliasing) is a dead giveaway, and the forged title is
solid black and blacker than the blackest pixel you can find anywhere on the
"blotchy" black of the rest of the printing.

Lionel Mrocki


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