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Re: long story about today

----- Original Message -----
From: "DAVID CHEVAN" <dchevan (at) snet(dot)net>
To: "World music from a Jewish slant" <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2001 10:12 PM
Subject: long story about today

> This is a pretty long, but true and UNEDITED story (it could probably use
> some editing) but I needed to send it and share it before I felt like I
> couldn't.

I want to thank you, David, for holding your ground and doing what was
right.  There are people who see things in the simplest way, often by
grouping the good people in a culture with the much smaller number who are
evil.  Since this has been used against Jews for centuries, Jews have an
obligation to counter it when used against others.

I read several newsgroups daily, and most of them have been flooded by
discussions about the events of the past few days.  The first messages
tended to be of the "nuke them all" kind.  I countered with calmly stated
reasons not to take that kind of action, and the number of messages of my
kind has been growing.  It helps that the President has been listening to
calmer voices in his inner circle, and has tempered his talk that suggested
the US might take some drastic actions soon.  It is noteworthy that his
emphasis on unilaterial action has quickly disappeared.

I'm not a musician, just a listener.  But I know that "music has charms to
sooth the savage breast", and it also can inspire ferocity.  David Chevan
wisely used music for its ability to sooth.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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