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Re: "Arye Laish's Shabes nign"/aka Itzik's Shabbos Nigun

In a message dated 9/16/01 3:44:40 PM, lucy (at) 
cix(dot)compulink(dot)co(dot)uk writes:

<< Please let us know where it is - and sheet music would be appreciated! It
sounds wonderful. >>

Izhak promised that, when he can, he'll write the "Arye Laish's Shabes nign" 
out, probably letter form of some sort, when he gets to it. If you have a fax 
I'll be happy to send the first part that he gave us that I already put into 
the computer, with chords.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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