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same name?

In a message dated 9/16/01 7:28:10 AM, physchem (at) telocity(dot)com writes:

<< There may be another person with the same name.  Can you contact the person

in charge of the list?  Perhaps the problem can be worked out with his or

help.  Maybe by adding some identifying information to the name. >>

This is absolutely possible. It already happened in my community and caused 
quite a panic until I searched the web in my town and discovered two males 
with the same name. A call was made to our synagogue stating the John Doe was 
missing. Indeed he was not but another with the same name was. I know that 
this is the reverse of the above problem and I'm sorry that the confusion in 
that case is causing people to stop praying. Hopefully it will get 
straightened out soon and, certainly, erring on the side of praying for 
Andrew and all missing, can't be anything but a good thing.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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