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Re: thanks re. safe posts....MEMORIAL/vigls

    The idea of a memorial or memorial day or vigil is a wonderful idea. Is 
anyone who lives in the Boston area, interested in putting one together for 
Boston???? I wlll help anyone who is interested to do this.
       Trudi Goodman

>From: AGREENBA (at) aol(dot)com
>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Subject: Re: thanks re. safe posts
>Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 09:26:50 EDT
>In a message dated 9/13/01 9:15:22 AM, klezmer (at) yiddishmusic(dot)com 
><< Thank you to everyone who has shared news about the safety of our New 
>Jewish musicians, poets, and historians!  It is really comforting to know
>that they are safe. >>
>The more postings I read the more thankful I'm feeling as well. I DO,
>however, keep wondering now if the air itself is, over the long run,
>dangerous, especially with asbestos. I hear the smoke is quite thick still,
>all over Manhattan.
>I'm not "good" at organizing events nor do I have the best resources of
>venues etc., but if anyone is planning a musical memorial or vigil for
>victims please be sure to post so we can participate in any way we can.
>Certainly this has been happening locally, holding prayer services and the
>like, with music, but perhaps we'll learn of such in NYC or Washington at a
>later time. After sending money to the posted places and/or giving blood 
>easy to feel at a loss to know what else to do!

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