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Re: thanks re. safe posts

In a message dated 9/13/01 9:15:22 AM, klezmer (at) yiddishmusic(dot)com writes:

<< Thank you to everyone who has shared news about the safety of our New York
Jewish musicians, poets, and historians!  It is really comforting to know
that they are safe. >>

The more postings I read the more thankful I'm feeling as well. I DO, 
however, keep wondering now if the air itself is, over the long run, 
dangerous, especially with asbestos. I hear the smoke is quite thick still, 
all over Manhattan. 
I'm not "good" at organizing events nor do I have the best resources of 
venues etc., but if anyone is planning a musical memorial or vigil for 
victims please be sure to post so we can participate in any way we can. 
Certainly this has been happening locally, holding prayer services and the 
like, with music, but perhaps we'll learn of such in NYC or Washington at a 
later time. After sending money to the posted places and/or giving blood it's 
easy to feel at a loss to know what else to do!

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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