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Re: Is everyone safe

How about Itzik Gottesman and Beyle Shaechter-Gottesman and Ben Schaechter,
Elliot at the JTS...

Margotlev (at) aol(dot)com wrote:

> Thank you everyone who's posted about people being safe.  We still don't know
> about the following people:  Please post if you have any information about:
>  Andy Statman
> David Krakauer
> Marty Confurius
> Lorin Sklamberg
> Ismael Butera
> Lorin Brody
> Will Holshouser
> Jerry Kisslinger and the rest of Zlatne Uste
> Howie Leshaw and the rest of Golden Land
> Laura Lieben
> Joyce Rosensweig
> Yale Strom
> Ben Schaecter
> Mina Bern
> Thank you,
> Margot

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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