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Fwd: "The Singing Table"

>Dear Chevre, 
>I am very excited to tell you about a special program coming up next 
>Saturday night, September 15th, at the Old Broadway Synagogue. 
>We are honored to be able to host internationally acclaimed klezmer 
>performers MICHAEL ALPERT, LISA MAYER, AND SRULI DRESDNER as they present a 
>Melave Malke concert of "THE SINGING TABLE" -- an interactive "tish" 
>featuring rare and beautiful chassidic nigunim. 
>It will be a wonderful and joyous way to elevate our souls as we prepare for 
>the Yamim Nora'im. 
>Michael, Lisa and Sruli are each very accomplished klezmer musicians with 
>impressive credits. (I have included some additional biographical 
>information about the three "klezmorim" below.) Together, they perform 
>frequently at The Knitting Factory and Tonic, and they have just returned 
>from Montreal where they performed "The Singing Table" at KlezKanada to rave 
>The Melave Malke begins at 9:30 PM, and the donation is $12.00 per person. 
>If this program is successful, there is the very real possibility that we 
>may be able to host a regular (perhaps monthly) Melave Malke klezmer concert 
>series featuring Michael, Sruli and Lisa as well as other guest performers. 
>Imagine klezmer having a regular home in Harlem, at Old Broadway! 
>I look forward to seeing you on the night of September 15th! 
>It would be helpful, if you plan to attend, that you leave a message on the 
>Shul's voice mail by Wednesday, September 12, so that we may have a general 
>idea of how many people to expect. The phone number is 
>(212) 662-9767. 
>May you be blessed with a year of health, happiness, success and parnossah, 
>and a k'tivah v'chatimah tovah! 
>Jonathan Schachter 
>OLD BROADWAY SYNAGOGUE is located at 15 Old Broadway, just 1/2 block east of 
>Broadway between 125th and 126th Streets ...and two blocks east of the 
>Cotton Club! 
>* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
>***** Here is some additional biographical information about Michael, 
>Sruli and Lisa: ***** 
>MICHAEL ALPERT has been a pioneering figure in the renaissance of East 
>European Jewish klezmer music and dance for over twenty years, and is 
>internationally known for his performances and recordings with Brave Old 
>World, Khevrisa, Kapelye and other groups. Raised in a Yiddish-speaking 
>family, he is considered one of the finest traditional Yiddish singers of 
>his generation, and is noted for his original Yiddish songs. 
>Alpert was musical director of (and performed in) the Emmy-award-winning PBS 
>Great Performances special ITZHAK PERLMAN: IN THE FIDDLER'S HOUSE (1996 Emmy 
>Award for Outstanding Cultural Music /Dance Program), executive producer of 
>the Angel/EMI CDs of the same title, and appeared with Mr. Perlman on CBS' 
>The Late Show with David Letterman. He is featured in the klezmer 
>documentaries A Jumpin' Night in the Garden of Eden (USA 1987), Fiddler on 
>the Hoof, (BBC/Channel Four 1994), Sabbath in Paradise (Germany 1999), and 
>The New Klezmorim (Canada 2000), appears with Kapelye in Jeremy Kagan's 
>film The Chosen, and is heard on the Grammy-nominated soundtrack album from 
>the acclaimed film Partisans of Vilna. 
>Michael's concert appearances have taken him throughout North America, 
>Europe, Israel, and Australia. A former research associate at New York's 
>YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, Alpert has conducted extensive 
>documentation of traditional Jewish music and dance throughout North America 
>and Europe. He is a program director of Montreal's KlezKanada, and has 
>taught at Columbia University's Uriel Weinreich Summer Program in Yiddish 
>Language, Literature and Culture, the Oxford Center for Yiddish Studies, and 
>KlezKamp (Living Traditions' Yiddish Folk Arts Program) for many years. 
>Multi-instrumentalists and vocalists SRULI DRESDNER and LISA MAYER play the 
>clarinet, violin, accordion, cello and drum, and perform and teach Klezmer 
>and Hasidic music and dance all over the country. They have been called 
>Superb musicians! and their albums A delight from 
>start to finish! by the Los Angeles Times. 
>They were the featured Klezmer performers on PBS-TV s Another Mitzvah, 
>performed the klezmer soundtrack for the Showtime Movie The Devil s 
>Arithmetic, and frequently perform live on National Public Radio. Sruli and 
>Lisa played sold-out runs of both A Klezmer s Tale and Kids and Yiddish 
>at the Folksbiene Yiddish Theatre with Zalmen Mlotek which the New York 
>Times called Warm, tuneful and sprightly! 
>Sruli and Lisa perform frequently as Oy Vey Klezmorim. They are on staff at 
>KlezKanada and taught at the Workmen s Circle schools and Mamaloshn. They 
>have performed at many festivals like the Ashkenaz Festival in Toronto, The 
>Lower East Side Festival, and Jewish Tanglewood. They have performed with 
>Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul and Mary, and have a happily busy schedule 
>performing at concert halls, JCC s synagogues and schools, public and 
>private all over the country. Their newest CD album Klezmer Dance Party! 
>is due out in time for Chanukah. 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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