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The new newsletter

David Chevan's Fall 2001 Music Update (revised edition)

In this issue of the newsletter:
I.   SCSU Creative Music Orchestra
II.  Chevan/Byrd Duo: Avadim Hayinu
III. Chevan-Cadwallader Duo and The Art of Trio
IV. The Afro-Semitic Experience
V.  Music Events in Calendar Format

Labor day is just around the corner.  My sons start school next week . . .
and so do I.  I thought it might be a good time to send around the latest
installment of upcoming gigs and personal music news.  There's lots to read
here, but don't worry, I'll never know nor will I be insulted if at this
point you just click the button that says DELETE.

The SCSU Creative Music Orchestra begins rehearsing for the fall season on
Tuesday, September 11.  I am planning an interesting season with an emphasis
on original compositions; new works that I have composed and pieces by
ensemble members.  The orchestra will give its first concert of the year on
Tuesday, October 16 at 8:00 p.m. in the Charles Garner Recital Hall (Room
115) in Engleman Hall of Southern Connecticut State University in New Haven,
Connecticut. The orchestra will give three concerts this season, the first
on October 16, the second on Tuesday, November 13, and the third on Tuesday,
December 11.  It turns out that the November 13 concert will not be held in
Garner Hall, but I haven't found a venue for it yet.  More news when that is
worked out.

The SCSU Creative Music Orchestra rehearses on Tuesday evenings in Room 118
of Earl Hall from 7:30 - about 10 p.m.  As always there is no audition,
anyone in the community (but especially SCSU or prospective SCSU students)
is welcome to join the Orchestra.  If you're interested or know of potential
musicians please give me (David Chevan) a call at my office at SCSU, the
number is (203) 392-6630 and the voice mail is always on.

New reviews and Upcoming Performances

Warren and I continue to learn of new articles and reviews about our musical
partnership. The latest is a brief mention in the September issue of
JazzTimes Magazine in Willard Jenkins' blind fold listening column.  Jenkins
' guest this month was the tenor giant Billy Harper.  Jenkins played a track
off our CD for Harper and his reactions were pretty interesting.   Enough
said about that. There was also a review of "Let Us Break Bread Together" in
the French jazz magazine, Le Jazz Hot.  In it, the reviewer wrote, "Bref. C'
est beau."  I am told by a French professor that that is a pretty good
There is also a new article and interview with us, just written and out only
on the internet, by world music specialist Paula Kirman at
The URL for the article is

We will be visiting The Greater Bethel AME Church and Temple Israel of
Greater Miami for the weekend of  September 7, 8 and 9. Temple Israel of
Greater Miami is an historic central city temple that has a history of
presenting programs on Black-Jewish relations.   We begin our visit with a
presentation at the Friday Forum at Barry University in Miami on Friday,
September 7, from 12:00 -1:15.  That evening we will be participating in
Friday night services at the Temple. The Temple services are broadcast
worldwide on the Inter-Net via beginning at 7:30 p.m.  If you'
ve never heard us perform live and listen to music on Shabbat, please tune
us in.  Then we will present a series of workshops at the synagogue during
the day on September 8.  That evening the temple will present us in concert
at 8:00 p.m. and we will also participate in the Selichot services at 10:15
p.m.  This should be a beautiful and meaningful evening of music and prayer
as Temple Israel recently engaged Rabbi Chaim Stern to be their spiritual
leader. Rabbi Stern is the author of all of the reform prayer books for the
last 25 years, including Gates of Prayer and Gates of Rememberance, as well
as the reform movement's S'lichot service. On Sunday, September 9 we will be
participating in the services at The Greater Bethel AME Church at 11:00 a.m.
The Greater Bethel AME Church is located in the Overtown section of Miami.
The address is 245 N.W. 8th Street, about 15 blocks from Temple Israel.
Temple Israel of Greater Miami is located at 137 NE 19 St., Miami, Florida
and the phone number is 305-573-5900.  The Temple web site is

Warren and I were recently invited by Nihal deLanerolle the chaplain at
Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut to participate and perform in four
interfaith services at the Trinity College Chapel this fall.  Two of these
services will feature us in a duo setting and two services will feature us
with the Afro-Semitic Experience. The services are all on Saturday
afternoons.  The first is a special outdoor event with the Afro-Semitic
Experience.  This service will begin at 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, September 29.
The other three concerts will all be at 5:00 p.m.  On October 27 and
December 15 Warren and I will perform and the Afro-Semitic Experience will
return for its second service on November 17.  Trinity College Chapel is
located at 300 Summit Street in Hartford, Connecticut. The telephone number
at the Chapel is 860-297-2012.

There are several other performances in the planning stages right now
including a trip to Wayne State University in Detroit, a concert each at the
Liberty Museum in Philadelphia and one at Brooklyn, College, and a weekend
of workshops, concerts, and interfaith services in West Haven, Connecticut
this coming May.  I'll include information on these as soon as plans are

Chevan-Cadwallader Duo and The Art of Trio
Our performance at the International Festival of Arts and Ideas this past
spring was a whole lot of fun.  We were surprised, pleased, and honored by
the large audience.   It was great fun playing for such a large crowd in
this setting and you could hear it as everyone in the group played quite

Dates for the 2001-2002 The Art of Trio concert series have already been
selected and we have chosen a theme and invited artists for the fall season.
The theme for the series this fall will be "The World Of Percussion."  In
this series we will feature three outstanding artists, each of whom has
mastered a different percussion instrument.  On Friday, October 12 our guest
will be New Haven's jazz drumming legend, Jesse Hameen II, in a program
entitled, "The Best of the Duke - An Ellington Tribute."  On Friday,
November 9 vibraphonist Gerry Grosz, a former New Haven area resident, now
residing and practicing his art in California returns for a program
entitled, "Dignity and Style - Memories of The Modern Jazz Quartet".
Finally, on Friday, December 14, Latin percussionist Johnny Almendra, will
join us to present "A Tito Puente Celebration". All of the concerts begin at
7:30 p.m. and the Milford Fine Arts Council is located at 40 Railroad Avenue
South and the phone number for tickets and further info is (203) 878-6647.

On Sunday, October 28, at 2:00 p.m., The Art of Trio, will be presented at
the Greens Farms Academy, with our special guest Giacomo Gates.  The Greens
Farms Academy is located at 35 Beachside Avenue in Greens Farms, Connecticut
and the phone number for further info is (203) 256-0717.  Reservations are
required for this event as seating limited to 80 persons.

We have not selected all of the guest artists for the Spring 2002 series at
the Milford Fine Arts Council, but the dates for that series will be: March
15th, April 19th, and May 17th.

What began as an occasional side project for me is continuing to evolve and
grow into an exciting musical project with its own shape and personality.
It was a real thrill for The Afro-Semitic Experience to be described as a
"mind blowing experience" by the New Haven Advocate, but I think that may be
even more true now than it was last year.

The group now has a once-a-month gig at the Buttonwood Tree in Middletown,
Connecticut.  We will be playing at the Buttonwood on the first Monday of
every month.  Since the first Monday of September is Labor Day we will begin
this year's series on Monday, October 1, at 8:30 p.m. The other dates for
the year are November 5, December 3, January 7, February 4, March 4,  April
1, May 6, and June 3.  The Buttonwood is located at 605 Main St. in
Middletown, Connecticut and the phone number is (860) 347-4957.  The band
that evening will include Warren Byrd on piano, Stacy Phillips on dobro and
violin, Will Bartlett on clarinet and tenor saxophone, and Alvin Carter, Jr.
on percussion.

We have also been invited to give two performances at the New Britain Museum
of American Art.  The first performance will be on Sunday, September 16 from
11-1 p.m. as part of the museum's Arts and Crafts Day.  The second
performance will be on Friday, October 5, from 5:30-8:00 p.m. The New
Britain Museum of American Art is located at 56 Lexington Street in New
Britain and the phone number for further information is 860-229-0257.

On Sunday, December 9, the first night of Chanukah, the Jewish Federation of
Western Connecticut will present the Afro-Semitic Experience in a
performance of music to celebrate Chanukah and Kwanzaa.  We are still
working out the details of location and time, but latkes will be served.

As always, if you have any questions about the performances and activities
listed above, please give me a call at my office at (203) 392-6630 or write
to me at dchevan (at) snet(dot)net(dot) Thank you for all of the support I have 
over the past few years.

Finally, people have been asking me how to get hold of my CDs.  I know that
it is almost impossible is to find them in stores and I apologize for that.
For whatever reason, I still haven't been able to get a distributor
interested in helping me to disseminate my music.  The easiest place to find
my entire catalogue is at  There are now three other on-line
sources that carry at least some of my music:,, and  The other way to get an album
is to order it directly from me.  All of my CDs are $15 apiece plus $1.50
per complete order for postage (that's $1.50 per order, not per CD, this
offer is limited to a maximum of ten CDs per order).  Please make a check
out to me and send it to:

David Chevan
P.O. Box 6183
Whitneyville, CT 06517

Thanks to my webmaster and band mate, trumpeter Ben Proctor (now leader of
the New York band, Jimson Weed) who has worked extra hard this past month
improving and upgrading this web site.

Bassologically yours,

David Chevan

David Chevan's Music Events in Calendar Format

 September 7 and 8, David Chevan and Warren Byrd Duo: Avadim Hayinu, at
Temple Israel of Greater Miami. Friday night services on September 7,
including live inter net broadcast of services at 7:30 p.m. on
on Friday night.   Workshops during the day on September 8 and evening
concert at 8 p.m. and Selichot services at 10:15 p.m.  Temple Israel of
Greater Miami is at 137 NE 19 St., Miami, Florida and the phone number is
305-573-5900.  The URL for the Temple website is

 Sunday, September 9, David Chevan and Warren Byrd Duo: Avadim Hayinu
service at Greater Bethel AME Church at 11:00 a.m.  The Greater Bethel AME
Church is located in the Overtown section of Miami. The address is 245 N.W.
8th Street, about 15 blocks from Temple Israel.

 Sunday, September 16, the AFRO-SEMITIC EXPERIENCE at the New Britain Museum
of American Art from 11:00-1:00 p.m. at 56 Lexington Street, New Britain,

Saturday, September 29, the AFRO-SEMITIC EXPERIENCE 4:00 p.m. an interfaith
service at the Trinity College Chapel with Warren Byrd on piano, Alvin
Carter on drums Mixashawn on tenor saxophone, Stacy Phillips on dobro and
violin and Baba David Coleman on African drums and percussion.  The Trinity
College Chapel is located at 300 Summit Street in Hartford, Connecticut. The
telephone number at the Chapel is 860-297-2012.

Monday, October 1, the AFRO-SEMITIC EXPERIENCE 8:30 p.m. at the Buttonwood
Tree with Warren Byrd on piano, Alvin Carter on drums, Mixashawn on tenor
saxophone, Stacy Phillips on dobro and violin and Baba David Coleman on
African drums and percussion.  The Buttonwood Tree is located at 605 Main
Street in Middletown and the phone number is (860) 347-4957.

 Friday, October 5, 2001, the AFRO-SEMITIC EXPERIENCE at the New Britain
Museum of American Art from 5:30-8:00 p.m. at 56 Lexington Street, New
Britain, 860-229-0257.

 Friday, October 12, 2001 at 7:30 p.m., The Art of Trio, at the Milford
Center for the Arts. with Rex Cadwallader and special guest drummer Jesse
Hameen II, at 40 Railroad Avenue South, Milford, (203) 878-6647.

Tuesday, October 16, at 8:00 p.m., the SCSU Creative Music Orchestra, David
Chevan, director, in the Charles Garner Recital Hall (Room 115) in Engleman
Hall of Southern Connecticut State University in New Haven, Connecticut,
please call (203) 392-6630 for more information.

Saturday, October 27, at 5:00 p.m., David Chevan and Warren Byrd Duo: Avadim
Hayinu, an interfaith service at the Trinity College Chapel. The Trinity
College Chapel is located at 300 Summit Street in Hartford, Connecticut. The
telephone number at the Chapel is 860-297-2012.

Sunday, October 28, at 2:00 p.m., The Art of Trio, at the Greens Farms
Academy, with Rex Cadwallader and special guest Giacomo Gates, at 35
Beachside Avenue in Greens Farms, Connecticut, (203) 256-0717.

Monday, November 5, the AFRO-SEMITIC EXPERIENCE 8:30 p.m. at the Buttonwood
Tree with Warren Byrd on piano, Alvin Carter on drums, Mixashawn on tenor
saxophone, Stacy Phillips on dobro and violin and Baba David Coleman on
African drums and percussion. The Buttonwood Tree is located at 605 Main
Street in Middletown and the phone number is (860) 347-4957.

 Friday, November 9, 2001 at 7:30 p.m., The Art of Trio, at the Milford
Center for the Arts. with Rex Cadwallader and special guest vibraphonist
Gerry Grosz, at 40 Railroad Avenue South, Milford, (203) 878-6647.

Saturday, November 10, the AFRO-SEMITIC EXPERIENCE 5:00 p.m. an interfaith
service at the Trinity College Chapel with Warren Byrd on piano, Alvin
Carter on drums, Mixashawn on tenor saxophone, Stacy Phillips on dobro and
violin and Baba David Coleman on African drums and percussion.  The Trinity
College Chapel is located at 300 Summit Street in Hartford, Connecticut. The
telephone number at the Chapel is 860-297-2012.

Tuesday, November 13, at 8:00 p.m., the SCSU Creative Music Orchestra, David
Chevan, director, in the Charles Garner Recital Hall (Room 115) in Engleman
Hall of Southern Connecticut State University in New Haven, Connecticut,
please call (203) 392-6630 for more information.

Monday, December 3, the AFRO-SEMITIC EXPERIENCE 8:30 p.m. at the Buttonwood
Tree with Warren Byrd on piano, Alvin Carter on drums, Mixashawn on tenor
saxophone, Stacy Phillips on dobro and violin and Baba David Coleman on
African drums and percussion.  The Buttonwood Tree is located at 605 Main
Street in Middletown and the phone number is (860) 347-4957.

Sunday, December 9, the AFRO-SEMITIC EXPERIENCE celebrates Chanukah and
Kwanzaa with the Jewish Federation of Western Connecticut.  Time and
location TBA.

Tuesday, December 11, at 8:00 p.m., the SCSU Creative Music Orchestra, David
Chevan, director, in the Charles Garner Recital Hall (Room 115) in Engleman
Hall of Southern Connecticut State University in New Haven, Connecticut,
please call (203) 392-6630 for more information.

 Friday, December 14, 2001 at 7:30 p.m., The Art of Trio, at the Milford
Center for the Arts. with Rex Cadwallader and special guest Latin
percussionist Johnny Almendra, "A Tito Puente Celebration", at 40 Railroad
Avenue South, Milford, (203) 878-6647.

Saturday, December 15, at 5:00 p.m. David Chevan and Warren Byrd Duo: Avadim
Hayinu, an interfaith service at the Trinity College Chapel. . The Trinity
College Chapel is located at 300 Summit Street in Hartford, Connecticut. The
telephone number at the Chapel is 860-297-2012.

Monday, January 7, 2002, the AFRO-SEMITIC EXPERIENCE 8:30 p.m. at the Button
wood Tree with Warren Byrd on piano, Alvin Carter on drums, Mixashawn on
tenor saxophone, Stacy Phillips on dobro and violin and Baba David Coleman
on African drums and percussion.  The Buttonwood Tree is located at 605 Main
Street in Middletown and the phone number is (860) 347-4957.

Monday, February 4, the AFRO-SEMITIC EXPERIENCE 8:30 p.m. at the Buttonwood
Tree with Warren Byrd on piano, Alvin Carter on drums, Mixashawn on tenor
saxophone, Stacy Phillips on dobro and violin and Baba David Coleman on
African drums and percussion.  The Buttonwood Tree is located at 605 Main
Street in Middletown and the phone number is (860) 347-4957.

Sunday, February 10, David Chevan and Warren Byrd Duo, Avadim Hayinu, at 2
p.m. at the National Liberty Museum, 321 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, 215-925-2800.

Monday, March 4, the AFRO-SEMITIC EXPERIENCE 8:30 p.m. at the Buttonwood
Tree with Warren Byrd on piano, Alvin Carter on drums, Mixashawn on tenor
saxophone, Stacy Phillips on dobro and violin and Baba David Coleman on
African drums and percussion.  The Buttonwood Tree is located at 605 Main
Street in Middletown and the phone number is (860) 347-4957.

 Friday, March 15, at 7:30 p.m., The Art of Trio, at the Milford Center for
the Arts. with Rex Cadwallader and special guest TBA, at 40 Railroad Avenue
South, Milford, (203) 878-6647.

Monday, April 1, the AFRO-SEMITIC EXPERIENCE 8:30 p.m. at the Buttonwood
Tree with Warren Byrd on piano, Alvin Carter on drums, Mixashawn on tenor
saxophone, Stacy Phillips on dobro and violin and Baba David Coleman on
African drums and percussion.  The Buttonwood Tree is located at 605 Main
Street in Middletown and the phone number is (860) 347-4957.

 Friday, April 19, at 7:30 p.m., The Art of Trio, at the Milford Center for
the Arts. with Rex Cadwallader and special guest TBA, at 40 Railroad Avenue
South, Milford, (203) 878-6647.

Monday, May 6, the AFRO-SEMITIC EXPERIENCE 8:30 p.m. at the Buttonwood Tree
with Warren Byrd on piano, Alvin Carter on drums, Mixashawn on tenor
saxophone, Stacy Phillips on dobro and violin and Baba David Coleman on
African drums and percussion.  The Buttonwood Tree is located at 605 Main
Street in Middletown and the phone number is (860) 347-4957.

 Friday, May 17, at 7:30 p.m., The Art of Trio, at the Milford Center for
the Arts. with Rex Cadwallader and special guest TBA, at 40 Railroad Avenue
South, Milford, (203) 878-6647.

Monday, June 3, the AFRO-SEMITIC EXPERIENCE 8:30 p.m. at the Buttonwood Tree
with Warren Byrd on piano, Alvin Carter on drums, Mixashawn on tenor
saxophone, Stacy Phillips on dobro and violin and Baba David Coleman on
African drums and percussion.  The Buttonwood Tree is located at 605 Main
Street in Middletown and the phone number is (860) 347-4957.

David Chevan, Bassologist
for more info visit my web site located at

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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