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Soviet Yiddish music

Last week Dr. Yelena Irzabekova visited my library in Tel-Aviv and donated
2 books which she published herself. She is from Baku and is trying to
preserve the Yiddish musical culture of the former Soviet Union. The books
are: "An Anthology of Soviet Yiddish Music" (contains piano and chamber
music) and "Jewish Songs and Dances" arranged by Soviet Jewish composers.
Both these volumes were compiled and edited by Dr. Irzabekova and I
believe she is preparing a third volume.
If any of you are interested in her work, she would be more than happy to
hear from you.
Her email address is: rir (at) azdata(dot)net

Have a good summer,

Ryna Kedar
Head, Acquisitions & Cataloging Division
The Felicja Blumental Music Center & Library
Tel-Aviv, Israel

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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