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Question re: Australian performer

Hi Ernie,

I don't know if you would knowthe answer to this but I'll ask you anyway.

Do you know of Deb Morrow? She is a singer/songwriter from New South Wales. 
 Have you ever heard her?   If so, do you know if she has any traditional 
material in her repertoire?  Any info you can pass along would be 



PS- I haven't forgotten about the Klezmer dance tape you asked for.  The 
video dubbing deck is sick and being repaired.  I'll make the tape for you 
when it is feeling better.  BTW, can your video player play a tape made on an 
American system?


Willa Horowitz

Leader and teacher of Israeli, Jewish and International folk dance

130 Mount Sanford Road
Hamden, CT 06518

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