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Re: Kol Nidre

   Check out Jan Pierce or Richard Tucker's recordings. Also there is a 
compendium made in the 1970s called THE WORLD'S GREATEST CANTORS...and I 
believe that Moyshe Oysher is on that.
    Trudi the G

>From: Joe Kurland <ganeydn (at) crocker(dot)com>
>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Subject: Re: Kol Nidre
>Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2001 00:01:27 -0400
>  Lenka,
>I'm not going to suggest a recording--there are many wonderful ones. Listen 
>to many of them. But what I will suggest is that even if you can't read 
>Hebrew, get a word for word translation/transliteration of the text and be 
>able to know what you are singing throughout.  When you practice, 
>concentrate on the meaning of every word and every phrase and the 
>historical context in which this prayer was written so that you can 
>interpret it emotionally in your singing.  Remember that you are 
>representing the congregation as you sing. All their hopes and sorrows must 
>be expressed by your voice.  It will be different from what is expressed by 
>the khazn who's recording you listen to 100 times a day.
>You can do it.  Go for it!!
>Zayt gezunt (be healthy),
>Yosl (Joe) Kurland
>The Wholesale Klezmer Band
>Colrain, MA 01340
>voice/fax: 413-624-3204
>At 11:46 PM -0700 7/16/01, Lenka Lichtenberg wrote:
>>Dear Listers,
>>I have been invited to sing Kol Nidre at the Learning Service of our small 
>>congregation (members desribe ourselves as traditional egalitarian and i'm 
>>not sure how it differs from Reform of which we are using prayer books). 
>>where do i begin? i took it on  (probably being overly ambitious) as an 
>>inspirational challenge, hopefully not way over my greenhorn head. i can't 
>>read Hebrew that well though help is on hand if text is available; i'm 
>>hoping to learn it more or less by listening (all summer, 100 times a day) 
>>to the recorded singing of...?  Please help...
>>         thanks,           lenka
>---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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