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Re: Bikel Singing Russian Songs

Has this not been answered yet?  Trudi's certainly correct about this 
beautiful track on a beautiful album (it's the genesis of "Where Have All 
the Flowers Gone?"), but that's surely not what Abraham had in mind (it's a 
compilation of songs from many lands).  Bikel recorded at least one album of 
entirely Russian material for Elektra, maybe two:  SONGS OF A RUSSIAN GYPSY 
was on EKL 150 as an LP.  (And I *think* it had a "Vol. II" sequel.)

--Robert Cohen

>   Hi Abraham:
>      I believe that the album you are looking for is called: songs of the
>earth. Theo Bikel singing with the Pennywhisters. I know that Kaloda(Quiet
>flows the Don) is on it. It was released by Nonesuch records about 25 or
>more years ago. My suggestion is that you try contacting Theodore Bikel or
>checking at Tara or Hatikvah Music.
>      Zol Zayn Glick,
>         Trudi Goodman
>>From: "abraham pupko" <comapk (at) internet(dot)com(dot)mx>
>>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>>Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2001 22:43:15 -0500
>>Libe javerim:
>>My name is Abraham Pupko, from Mexico City, ...
>>one question, does somebody knows where I can get a CD of Theodore Bikel
>>singing russian songs? sorry mu bad english
>>With a friendly shalom    Abraham.

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