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   Hi Abraham:
      I believe that the album you are looking for is called: songs of the 
earth. Theo Bikel singing with the Pennywhisters. I know that Kaloda(Quiet 
flows the Don) is on it. It was released by Nonesuch records about 25 or 
more years ago. My suggestion is that you try contacting Theodore Bikel or 
checking at Tara or Hatikvah Music.
      Zol Zayn Glick,
         Trudi Goodman

>From: "abraham pupko" <comapk (at) internet(dot)com(dot)mx>
>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2001 22:43:15 -0500
>Libe javerim:
>My name is Abraham Pupko, from Mexico City, I'm receiving E mails from you 
>and I like very much to hear all the cuestion you discuss, I like jewish 
>music: Yidish, klezmer, israeli the older one before the Medinath Israel, 
>ladino, Rab Carlebachs, Giora Feidman and on the other hand Classical 
>I would like to add something to the points you discuss about ¿ what is 
>Jewish music? did you hear  about the italian
>composer Salomone de Rossi (1570-1630) who lived under the Duke of 
>Mantua,(the real one not Rgolleto's) I have two CD's of his music, one of 
>them CARLTON CLASSICS 30366 00452, if somebody heard it,what your opinion 
>about, is this Jewish music? about Kol Isha, in Kohelet, 2:8 Slomo Hamelej 
>says he had gold,(many other things) and male singers and FEMALE SINGERS. 
>one question, does somebody knows where I can get a CD of Theodore Bikel 
>singing russian songs? sorry mu bad english
>With a friendly shalom    Abraham.

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