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high holidays


I'm a high holidays cantor with a traditional approach to nusach and
davening.  Although I live in Portland, Oregon throughout the year, I have
spent the past 15 years as visiting cantor in some pretty diverse
communities.  Most recently, I've been privileged to spend the past three
years at the US Naval Academy in Annapolis - a wonderful pulpit that gave me
a fresh appreciation for Tashlikh and Maftir Jonah.

I had been planning to head back to Annapolis again this fall, but the rabbi
called last week to report that the Navy had cut its funding for a high
holidays cantor.  I know that it's rather late in the year, but if you
should become aware of a congregation that is seeking a hazan for the
holidays, please let me know.  I'm not a mercenary or a prima donna - I just
happen to find the holidays most meaningful when I can serve a community in
this way.

Please reply to me directly, rather than to the entire list.

A dank in faroys (thanks in advance),

Jack (Yankl) Falk
vocals/clarinet with Di Naye Kapelye, Budapest

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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