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Re: (Uh,) What is music?

I enjoyed Seth's delicious sardonicism; but as for John Cage's dictum, it 
does not follow at all that because All A is B, therefore all B is A.  All 
men are mortal; (hence) all mortals are men?  This is called reasoning by 
converse, and it ain't necessarily so; in fact, it ain't so, period.  I'm 
not sure what he was getting at.

--Robert Cohen

>Eminent composer John Cage once wrote "If all music is sound, then all 
>is music". I have often quoted this to my improvisation classes, just to 
>people thinking differently, to get them to think outside set patterns and
>scales that they invariably are using.
>A few years ago, I wrote this on the board for one of these classes. A
>student countered that just because it was music didn't mean it sounded
>'good'. A couple of years later this person sent me their first CD. He was,
>unfortunately, quite right about this.

>Seth Austen

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