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RE: [jewishshulmusic] [Fwd: Re: Salamone Rossi's ha-Shirim asher li-Shelomo]

>From: V(dot)Tunkel (at) qmw(dot)ac(dot)uk (Victor Tunkel)
>Date: Tue, 03 Jul 2001 15:05:30 +0100
>>Thank you for this important information. Would you be so kind as to send
>it to the Jewish music list? I believe you inadvertently sent this to the
>Jewish shul music list, which had posted my original response to the Jewish
>music list.
>>Hope all is well.
>>At 01:13 PM 7/3/01 +0100, you wrote:
>>> >I only wanted to add to the original query and response that the definitive
>>>biography of Rossi by Don Harran was published by Oxford UP in 1999.  I
>>>reviewed it in the current issue of the Journal of Jewish Studies, which
>>>should be in Alex's library.  Harran deals with the question of the alleged
>>>traces of traditional nusach in Rossi's compositions.  Something similar
>>>happened to the Saladin compositions from the 1670s in France and again in
>>>18th century Siena: bits of art music were long retained in the memory of
>>>congregants and eventually became "traditional nusach".
>>>Victor Tunkel

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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