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Re: KlezFest 2001 CNY Syracuse, NY June 10, 2001


Or, check out the revised Klezwords page, for the new section on 
Klezmer camps and Festivals.


> >Thank you Sid Lipton and Mimi Weiner for running an outstanding klezmer
>>festival (free to the public) in the heart of NY State.  It was worth going
>>just for the privilege of hearing Howie Leess and his crew (Henry Sapoznik,
>>Sy Kushner and Cookie Segelstein).  For pictorial highlights of the event,
>>visit http://www.sjfed/klezfest and click on photos.  There must be several
>>hundred shown.  It is a shame there are no audio highlights.
>I wanted to check out the website -  but is this the correct URL???
>Tried it; didn?t work.
>---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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