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Re: music for the whole world?

The Jews for Judaism web site gives many personal accounts of how groups
like the Jews for Jesus use the guise of Judaism including Jewish music to
gain converts.  Below is just one example:
"As a result of this congregation's pervasive use of Jewish symbols,
terminology, music, ritual and liturgy, and their distorted celebration of
Jewish holidays, I soon began to feel that I had never been more Jewish in
my life. The minister preached that if Jesus were the Jewish Messiah, what
could be more Jewish than to believe in him?"

If you enter the words  "messianic dance" into the google search engine, you
will find large numbers of web sites of Christian groups that have taken
Jewish music and dances to use in their services.  Some of these groups do
fall under the Messianic category.  They also have many resources and entire
books written on how Jewish music and dancing can be worked into their

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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