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Re: frayhayt! (lebedeff)

It's a long shot but the closest thing I can think of that
may fit the description (depending on exactly how scratchy
and indeciperable your tape is) is "Oy Gevalt Vos Hob Ikh
Oysgefert", a bouncy little tune anthologized on the album
"Aaron Lebedeff Sings 15 Favorites of the Yiddish Theatre"
[Greater Recording Co. GRC 46, 1964].

-- Bill B.

>Sholem-aleykhem ale tayere khaveyrim,

>I have a cassette (given to me long ago) that includes
>a scratchy, almost indecipherable but altogether
>wonderful (1920s?) recording of Aaron Lebedeff singing "Frayhayt!  
>Frayhayt!  Ay-ay-ay-ay,
>dum-dum-diggity-day!", interspersed with kupletn.  My
>Yiddish is generally serviceable, but I can't make out
>the lyrics on this one.

>Ideally, I'd love to find a cleaner version of this
>recording - or perhaps someone might have a copy of
>the sheet music?  I've looked at the YIVO, and I've
>asked around (Bob Freedman and Marty Schwartz, among
>others), but no one seems to know anything about that
>tune.  Any ideas?

>If you're familiar with this tune, or if you think you
>might be able to help in some way, please let me know.
>Der Eybershter vet aykh bentshn, un ikh avade oykh.

>A sheynem dank in faroys,

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