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Re: review of new CD by Mikveh

For more about Mikveh, my review is at

At 11:39 AM 6/11/2001 -0400, you wrote:
>[Here's the text of a review I wrote of the fabulous new CD by Mikveh, as it
>appears in my column "Texts and Tunes" in the new issue of the Berkshire
>Jewish Voice:]
>Mikveh, "Mikveh" (Traditional Crossroads): The debut album by this
>all-female quintet brings together several of the most talented performers
>and writers in klezmer and Yiddish song, including vocalist Adrienne Cooper,
>violinist Alicia Svigals (of the Klezmatics), accordionist/vocalist Lauren
>Brody (of Kapelye), and clarinetist Margot Leverett -- sort of the Crosby,
>Stills, Nash and Young of modern Yiddish music. But this is not just another
>new klezmer album. There has arguably never been anything like this ever
>recorded, and if ever an album of Yiddish song were going to ?cross over?
>and gain widespread recognition based on the beauty of the performances, the
>integrity of the arrangements and the universal appeal of the theme ­ in
>this case, an entire album?s worth of songs (most in Yiddish and a few in
>English) about women?s lives ­ this is the one. On several vocal numbers,
>including ?Ay ay ay mazl tov,? ?Eyshes khayil? and ?Di arbuzn,? you?d think
>the Bulgarian Women?s State Radio and Television Choir had learned to sing
>in Yiddish. This is a rich, deep album that is at once traditional and
>contemporary, virtuosic art music and populist folk music, Old World and New
>World, a celebration of sisterhood and in particular a work that finally
>showcases the full panoply of Adrienne Cooper?s manifold talents.
>---Seth Rogovoy

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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