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Women's Role in Jewish Music

I just received "Notes from Zamir: The Magazine of the Zamir Chorale
of Boston"  Spring 2001.  They had a symposium on the Women's Role in
Jewish Music followed by a concert by the same name.  Too bad I got
the announcement after both.  Too bad Josh Jacobson isn't a list
member.  I'm glad, though, that his article on the topic is included.
Perhaps you can get a copy by checking their website,

He quotes 2 sources:

Consort not with a female musician, lest thou be taken in by her
Ben Sira, Book of Wisdom (Ecclesiaticus) 9:3 (c.190 b.c.e.)

The sweet voice of a woman ... can restore a man's good spirits.
Rashi, commentary on Babylonian Talmud Berakhot 57b (c. 1100 c.e.)


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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