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Jewish Music "Metzias" (On Sale)

On Sale 14 Jewish Music CDs*****"Metzias"*****On Sale 14 Jewish Music CDs

We have posted 14 Cds to our current "Specials-Metzias" page at : 

These titles are being offered for a limited time at greatly reduced prices 
and INCLUDE free shipping within the US.

The catagories include;Yiddish Theatre , Sephardic, Ladino, Klezmer, 

When ordering any of these titles, you MUST mention that you saw it on the 
"Meztias"  page in order to get this special price. 

These prices will be in affect until removed from the "metzias" section at 
which time new titles will be posted.

Personal recommendations: 1) "Tzigayner Klezmer" by Rolinha Kross Trio, 
2)"Cantor Pierre Pinchik (great recording), 3) "Rise Up & Fight - Songs of 
the Partisans".

Hatikvah Music
323) 655-7083

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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