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Re: Gerineldo revival in Vancouver

What a coincidence! I was just listening to one of the Gerineldo CDs,
thinking how sad it was that the group had broken up and you had
all moved on!

I hope this is the precursor to more performances.


>Hi, speaking of Vancouver, for the first time since 1994, at least PART
>of GERINELDO will be performing together in Vancouver in November as
>part of the West Coast Sacred Music Festival (which has a really
>appealing line-up). So far, Solly Levy, Tamar and I are going; whether
>Oro and Charly can make it  (Kelly isn't singing these days).depends
>largely on funding for the festival (still in its, ah, planning stages)
>and also people's work schedules. For those of you who didn't know
>GERINELDO in its heyday - Tamar and I are the "token Ashkenazim" in this
>otherwise all Moroccan Sephardic (i.e. born and raised in Morocco, came
>to Canada as fairly settled adults) group, specializing in the old
>Moroccan Judeo-Spanish repertoire, often from Oro and Solly's own
>families (the night before her wedding,long before I knew her, Oro was
>recording ballads from her mother). The name of the group, pronounced in
>Judeo-Spanish "Dzhirineldo" (in Spanish, Kherineldo), is taken from a
>Carolingian ballad (romance) in which Gerineldo, the king's favourite
>page, is invited by the king's daughter to spend the night with her; the
>king finds them, and ruminates; finally he decides that although honour
>demands they be slain, he doesn't want to lose either a great potential
>court councillor or his daughter, so he marries them to each other,
>which has led to the expression "el mazal de Gerineldo". It's still sung
>(different tunes though) in Spain & Portugal (where it's sung as a
>harvest song out in the fields), but the eastern MEditerranean Jews
>stopped singing it a couple of generations ago. 
>I used to get letters addressed to Mr Jerry Neldo.
>cheers, Judith (or J. Neldo....)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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