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yiddish for gig

I got this response about my query and thought you'd like to know.  If
anything else comes to mind, post it.

Abbi Wood wrote:

> Forwarded your email re. 'gig' to native speaker who does a lot of them...
> see below.
> << Does anyone know if there is a yiddish word that is the equivalent of
>  > the musician's gig?
>  > Lorele >>

> Dear Abbi:
>     Tell Lorele YES. :-)
> if one is hired for a theatrical gig the yidish expression is {"m'hot
> (mikh/dir etc.) "angazhirt."} the another word is "kontsert" for concert
> A great word that actors use for pay is di gazhe = actors fee or payment.
> Khayim

 Thank you.  That's great, but can this be applied specifically to a musician
 as well, or is this an actor's term?

    Yes, but only if your musician speaks Yiddish.  British will not do in

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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