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Re: What's Jewish Music

I'm curious, Ari:  Which of Debbie's melodies do you identify as "common 
folk tunes" (and, i.e., not original?)--as opposed to composed in lyrical 
folky/pop style?

Please advise!

BTW, some of Leonard Cohen's poem/songs are, perhaps, more interesting and 
relevant examples (relevant to Jewish music definition or boundaries of 
same, i.e.) than much of Dylan's stuff--though someone (Stephen [sp?] 
Pickering, I think) wrote an entire book--which I may even have [there was 
once an outside chance once that I'd get to interview Dylan]--about the 
Jewish origins and allusions in Dylan's music.

--Robert Cohen

>There is probably some line, which will be defined differently by
>different people, which attempts to mark when some boundary is
>crossed--when, say, Bob Dylan or Irving Berlin might be considered
>Jews making music, or American music, but not particularly Jewish
>music, or when a common folk tune such as Debbie Friedman's religious
>melodies become definitively Jewish.

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