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Fwd: Music clearance details

hi guys n gals

I just recvd this request for help. I figured that if the list don't know 
the answer then it's not worth knowing.

Thanks in advance,

----Original Message Follows----
From: Emma Leighton <emma(dot)leighton (at) unique(dot)com>
To: jaw42 (at) hotmail(dot)com
Subject: Music clearance details
Date: Fri, 04 May 2001 10:45:51 +0100

Hi Jonathan

Thanks for your help on this.

I work for a company called Unique and we produce Pause For Thought for
BBC radio 2 and I need the details of the following music for copyright
clearace - basically I just need to know what record/CD the song came
from  and the catalogue number of the record, record label and if noted
the publisher.

The name of the song is Shtil di nacht iz oygeschternt, performed by the
Smeckenbecher Brothers and composed by Hirsch Glick

I really appreciate your help on this

Thanks again

Emma Leighton
Production Secretary
unique the production company
50 Lisson Street, London, NW1 5DF

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