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The Gerard Edery Ensemble and Mimuna in CT

Just a quick note to relate to everyone the wonderful and exciting night of 
sephardic tradition and music that was spent this past Saturday, April 21st, 
at the first congregational sephardic Mimuna celebration to be held in 
The event took place at Congregation Kol Ami in Cheshire, CT. and the music 
was provided by the Gerard Edery Ensemble, that included along with Gerard, 
percussionist Rex Binincasa and Oud master, George Mgrdichian. The audience 
was enthralled with the program of Jewish Middle Eastern music and the 
introduction to the Mimuna tradition. This after-Passover celebration for 
Moroccan Jews, included a dessert spread of fruit, pastries, and sweets along 
with traditional symbols of the festival: leaves, grasses and wheat 
symbolizing the renewal of nature after winter, and a platter of flour in 
which lie five fava beans, five dates, five stalks of wheat and five coins 
symbolizing the hope for plenty. 
A splendid time was had by all!

Alan Falk
Nefesh Klezmer Band

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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