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Concert in Washington DC area

Yiddish of Greater Washington
Workmen's Circle
and the JCC of Greater Washington present:

Ilana Kochinska, soprano
Ruth Newhouse, piano

A Tribute to Ruth Rubin:
Singer, folklorist, writer, 
& crusader for Yiddish song

Selections from Ruth Rubin's repertoire
and songs inspired by Yiddish folk music

Reminiscences of Ruth Rubin

7:30 pm — Sunday, April 22
The Jewish Community Center 
of Greater Washington
6125 Montrose Road, Rockville, MD
Admission: $10, general public;
$7, members of sponsoring organizations

Information: (301) 230-3714
or e-mail finzimail (at) aol(dot)com

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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