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Thank you...

 Your support has been wonderful, and educational.  Even though we are a 
"cyber-community" - it still feels like a real community, and I can't tell you 
how much everyone's support has meant to me.

Anyway - I just called the woman who was going to hire me, and shared with her 
some of your comments. ( no names were mentioned... only the ideas. )  I never 
had any intention of suing the family, since the woman who contacted me was 
very upset herself, and I know that she was in a tough spot.  But I got a great 
education from this list, and I'll be smarter about contract-related issues in 
the future!  I did suggest that she discuss this with her brother-in-law, just 
so this person can be enlightened as to the repercussions of his position. 
"Lema'an chi-nuch", for whatever it's worth.

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* * *  Singer / Songwriter and Teacher of Jewish Music * * * 

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