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When is enough never enough?????

     In my honest opinion, this is a contract and as such should be honored. 
I think that any court rabbincal or otherwise would agree with that. I am 
reminded of when I worked for the United Farmworkers, during one of their 
strikes and grapes and lettuce that were non-Union were declared non-kosher 
because they had been harvested oppressively. Might something similar 
apply??? That if these folks got the music without honoring the contract the 
event should be declared oppressive and against Jewish law???
      Just a thought. As to the continued discussion about Kol Isha...well, 
being a woman I am happy to hear about it, however, just a wee tad of a bit 
chagrined, since I tried to get people to discuss this a year or so ago??? 
What's a matter, I didn't give anyone a "heart-on" or have a shayne enough 
punim....and I must say that I found these remarks cheesy, even though I 
love Wolf.

>From: glenn tamir <klezska (at) yahoo(dot)com>
>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Subject: Enough already!
>Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 12:59:50 -0800 (PST)
>I can see it now, "warning! warning! I must warn you
>that we have a female vocalist in our group and we
>cannot be resposible for the damage it may cause!"  (I
>have an image of the robot from Lost In Space)
>Isn't it obvious enough that the root of the problem
>here is the perpetuation of a  minhag rooted in the
>decision-making of a bunch of sexist individuals!?
>Next thing you know we'll be arguing whether it's even
>appropriate for a woman to sing in public.  Let's get
>back to dealing with what's important - THE MUSIC!!!
>What happened to Shirona was despicable and anyone
>with any sense of decency will agree with that.
>Now everyone get back to their instruments and keep
>the music flowin'!
>--- TROMBAEDU (at) aol(dot)com wrote:
> > In a message dated 3/26/01 9:55:04 AM Eastern
> > Standard Time,
> > SCHWARTZESQ (at) worldnet(dot)att(dot)net writes:
> >
> >
> > > ----- Original Message -----
> > > From: <A
> > HREF="mailto:shirona (at) bellatlantic(dot)net">shirona</A>
> > > To: <A
> > HREF="mailto:jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org">World music
> > from a Jewish slant</A>
> > > Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2001 1:35 PM
> > > Subject: Kol Isha becomes a reality
> > >
> > >
> > > I have to share this dose of reality...  it
> > finally happened to me.
> > >
> > > I was asked to organize and perform at a private
> > party, an Israeli style
> > > Kumzits, with a concert-like presentation of old
> > Israeli ballads, a
> > > sing-along, and a keyboard player to accompany me
> > and play throughout the
> > > evening.  It was to be at an expensive restaurant,
> > an up-scale event with
> > > good money.  Three daughters were organizing this
> > for their mother's 70th
> > > birthday.
> > >
> > > Everything was confirmed, dates, fees, program
> > outline... and then it
> > > happened.  One of the sisters is married to an
> > orthodox man.  Of course no
> > > one thought of this before - but the orthodox man
> > would HAVE to perform the
> > > obligatory Kol Isha boycott... Never mind that 98%
> > of the people at the
> > > party are non-orthodox - it was a matter of
> > Shlom-bayit, and I was
> > > cancelled...   So there it is, alive and well in
> > the year 2001.   The
> > > price?  On top of the ideological outrage, it was
> > a serious loss of
> > > "Parnasa" for me, and I depend on it for a living.
> > >
> > > Without appropriate words for closing,
> > >
> > >
> >
> > There are two issuies involved here. One has to do
> > with your disappointment
> > at not booking a gig. The fact that you are not sure
> > that Kol Isha is such a
> > crucial factor here is not relevant. Not because it
> > is not an issue worth
> > discussing, at length even,  but because the people
> > in question, the
> > customers, obviously think it is an important and
> > respectable issue. So what
> > is really involved here is the fact that a gig got
> > cancelled. While I am
> > sympathetic to the loss of income, I must also say
> > that It is onre of those
> > loust things that are common in our business. While
> > it may seem unfair to you
> > to base a cancellation on something you think is
> > wrong, it is just as werong
> > in the customers mind for a guest not to attend over
> > this issue. If they have
> > to choose between family and vendor, they will
> > choose family.
> > The second point is, how to avoid this?  Well, first
> > of all, one thing that I
> > try to do is to take a hefty deposit, with a timing
> > clause regarding
> > cancellations within a certain amount of time.
> > Another thing I do is make it
> > very clear to potential clients what the
> > instrumentation in the band is going
> > to be, and if I am planning to use a female
> > vocalist, I remind them that I
> > cannot be responsible for a particular guests
> > objection, so if they think it
> > will be a problem, let me know now. You see, the
> > problem here is that there
> > is a big difference between booking performances,
> > and booking parties.
> > When one books a show, they are entitled to say,
> > this is who I am, if you
> > don't wat it, don't hire me. When dealing with
> > customers for private parties,
> > customers have a right to expect the band to work
> > within their parameters.
> > Its a pain in the neck, but it is true. If the
> > customer says, "by the way, no
> > female singers," at least you have the option of
> > saying, "well, I don't agree
> > with you, but I guess I can set up an alternative
> > band that will conform to
> > your wishes." Or you can say, "Gee, I am the band,
> > and I am a female singer,
> > so I guess we can't do business." That way, at least
> > you still have some
> > control over the process, and can keep from being
> > ambushed in this way.
> > Best of Luck,
> >
> > Jordan
> >
> >
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