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Looking for Mizrachi/Sephardi Religious Music


Shalom!  I am new to this list, and was a bit
impatient to search through many years of archives to
find information!

I am in St. Louis, MO, the heart of the US and it is
impossible to find recordings of
Sephardic/Mizrachi/Teimani religious music. I have
sifted through websites (Tara Music, HaTikvah, etc.)
to find recordings, and have had some success.  I
realize, however, that what I find on these sites is
only a fraction of the available recorded music that
one can get in Israel.  Not being in Israel, I am at a
great disadvantage!

Does anyone have suggestions for sources to tap the
immense collection of Sephardic/Mizrachi religious

Thank you for any advice you may have

Roderick McCoy
rodlmccoy (at) yahoo(dot)com

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