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yow! electronic tsimbl!

I happened to catch an interesting sound this morning on JM in the AM.
He played a tune that was IDed as "the Bobov selection from the
new Ma Ashiv cd" (no, I havn't been able to find the CD).

What stood out in the sea of frumpop often heard on that show
was several instumental breaks by what sounded at first like a
tsimbl; not frequently heard in Chassidic music.

Within a few notes, it becomes clear that it is a synthesizer patch
with a hammered string sound.

While I assume the interface was the usual 7 white 5 black type keyboard, 
to the player's credit there was a real attempt to play in the style
of alternating and bouncing hammers, rather than as a piano (in which
case it would have come off as a clavicord, I suppose).

Anyway, if you want to hear it, go to
and click on the archives. Select March 13 2001 and then move
to time 58:30 in the file to hear it.

Its followed (in the show) by a lovely C Lanzbom tune.

roger, who used to play a digital plucked/hammered string instrument of his own 

r l reid        ro (at) panix(dot)com

Nu?  Cyberyenta's Old Fashioned Wisdom for New Fangled Times is
now available in paperback.  See

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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