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áòðééï: "Halaka"

The term for the child's first haircut is "Khalake" or "Khalaka" (from the 
Hebrew Khalak=smooth), and the "Bottle Dance" is played (among other dances) 
for that circumstance.   

Moshe Berlin
  ----- äåãòä î÷åøéú ----- 
  îàú: Michel Borzykowski 
  àì: World music from a Jewish slant 
  ðùìç: éåí ùéùé 09 îøõ 2001 22:36
  ðåùà: "Halaka"


  As nobody answered my question (and please forgive my ignorance!), I ask it 
again: What is the meaning of the yiddish /hebrew term "Halaka" ? Can it be the 
child's first haircut?
  This question is not completely OoT:  I saw the klezmer theme "Bottle Dance" 
or "Folk song" under the title "Halaka". Could this song/dance be used for that 
  A shaynem dank!

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