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New releases @ Hatikvh Music!!

We just received  a VERY large shipment form over seas. We have not had time 
to list them on our site yet, however we hope to have them up within the 
week.! These are just a few of the new titles...more to come in a few days
**New Titles**3 New Mizrachi Passover**Yiddish**Israeli**Cantorial**and ??? 

1) Yiddish - "Yiddish Atmosphere" by Talila & Ben Zimet. Talila has been our 
#1 Female Yiddish vocalist for over 7 years, this CD will ensure her 
position. Consisting  primarily of traditional songs seldom found in the 
repertoire of most American singers. Included are two original songs, a very 
moving piece by Ben Zimet, "A Poyln On Yidn" ( A Poland Without Jews), and 
"Mama Goes"--sung in Yidish & English--is a raucous song (composed by Jack 
Yellen, co-writer of "Yiddishe Mame"). "Mama Goes" has a great gutsy "swing" 
sound that would be at home in a New Orleans cat house...and I don't mean pet 

2) Tunisian Passover-"Haggada de Pessah- Rite Tunisien" by Alain Scetbon. 
This French import consists of a Passover Seder as performed in the Tunisian 
French home. Some of the melodies have minimal Ud accompaniment. Narrations 
are in French. This is an EXCELLENT recording.

3) Algerian Passover-"Haggada de Pessah-Seder Algerois" by Elie Zerbib. 
Another excellent Passover recording form the French Algerian community few 
of the selections have minimal "oriental violin" accompaniment. Narrated in 

4) Moroccan Passover-"Hagada Shel Pesach" by Cantors Abraham Bouhadana and 
Abraham Arzoine.  A Seder performed with in the traditional Moroccan 
community in France. The selection "Ma Achiv" is performed to the traditional 
melody of the Chanukah song "Maoz Tzur".

5) Piyutim Marocain - Piyutim M'shiri Yididot" by Jo Amar. this is the second 
volume of Piyutio by Jo amar (volume #1 can be found on our web site)

6) Piyutim Marocain - "Mizmor L'Yom Ha Shabbat" by Jo Amar. Shabbat songs as 
performed in the Morrocan tradition.

7) Judeo-Andalusia Songs- by Cantor Chaim Louk. Three different Cd of 
Andalusian Jewish Songs by the Great Chaim Louk

8) Yiddish-"Lea Szlanger In Song" this compilation of 21 songs from various 
albums by the famous Israel singer-actress features mostly Yiddish but 
includes some songs from her Hebrew albums. The world famous Yiddish 
performer is currently with the Cameri Theater in Israel and is the Editor of 
Yiddish Cultural Program at 
Kol-Israel as well as WEVD in New York. Included is the "swing" number 
"Istanbul" performed in POLISH and the Yiddish song "Reyzale Dem Shochet's" 
performed to the melody of the Italian song "...Sorento", made famous by 
Elvis Presley as "Surrender".

9) Cantorial- "Aneinu" by Cantor Moshe Stern recorded in concert

10) Israeli-The Parvarim Golden Hits Volume 1" - 2 CD set consisting of these 
4 full length albums: "Favorite Israel Folk Songs", "Vintage Stock", "I Have 
A Love", "Morning and Evening". Included in this collection are such classic 
songs by the Parvarim as "Erev Shel Shoshanim", "Rad Halaila" "Baytee El Mul 
Golan", (their fantastic arrangement of) "Hava Nagila", "Yesh Li Ahava", and 
many bonus songs not included in the original albums including "Estmem 
Babajim",sung in Turkish from their long out of print Lp of the same name. 
Total of 50 songs on a specially priced 2 CD set.

11) Cantorial Moroccan- 'Songs of the Levites" -by Yechiel Nahary- two 
different volumes by the Moroccan cantor.

There are many more titles that we have yet to unpack, this is only a 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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