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Re: Savage breast or beast?

Dear Listers,

In a message dated 3/8/01 11:53:05 AM, goobietheg (at) hotmail(dot)com writes:

>   Kobishke:
>    Breast was the older English way of saying heart.
>    Look up the poem in its entirety and it will make sense to you.
>As I say, I believe it's Tennyson.
>     Trudi the G

Trudi is right about the breast. It was (and is) metaphorically the "seat of 
affection and emotion," according to my handy _American Heritage Dictionary_. 
But I'm afraid that she is wrong about Tennyson (not that he wouldn't have 
said it sometime). It was William Congreve, from _The Mourning Bride_ (1697). 
Sorry Trudi. 

And it is definitely "breast" not "beast."

Best wishes,

Steve Barnett
Barnett Music Productions
BarMusProd (at) aol(dot)com 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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