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Laura Wetzler performance at The Open Center

I wanted to mention a fabulous performance by Laura Wetzler last night at the 
Open Center in NYC.  Many things that I learned just from reading  emails on 
this list came to life, and WOW, how alive it was! Hundreds of years worth of 
songs, poetry, history, philosophy, spirituality...all in a dynamic, funny, and 
moving performance.  There were even some hints at the 'ol Kol Isha (sha! sha! 
I don't wish to resurrect that topic!) thing... ever so gently and with good 
humor.  The points were made, though...

The theme of the show was songs of the Jewish Mystics, her website tells all 
about it - 

I walked out of this show feeling solidly connected to the farthest reaches of 
my Jewish past, with a clear sense of history (and "herstory"), with pride and 
inspiration - all through songs!  An amazing experience.

Thanks, Laura, and Yishar Koche'ch.


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* * *  Singer / Songwriter and Teacher of Jewish Music * * * 

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