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> By saying the "Kol Isha" issue is irrelevant to these communities,

hi Judah, I never said it was irrelevant to the COMMUNITY. I said it was
irrelevant to ROMANCE SINGING. I stand by that. 
Most Moroccans I know never fussed about Kol Ishah in Morocco. In
Tangier there was a mixed choir in one synagogue. They started fussing
about it - if they do at all, which many don't - when they came to
America and picked it up from various orthodox Ashkenazi communities.
And most Turkish/Balkan/Greek Sephardim I know did not / do not make an
issue of it there or in America. But that's just going by personal
acquaintance; doesn't mean it is or was irrelevant to them, but truly
I've simply never heard of it being an issue in any domestic setting.

Maimonides' early version of kol ishah is very different from last
March's Sephardic Kehilla in Toronto refusing to put up a poster of my
concert in another synagogue, so that even women wouldn't know about it,
because men might be "tempted" by the announcement. Not the same
But I think I'll ask a Moroccan Orthodox friend of mine - with whom I've
been singing for 20 years - to comment on it. Cheers, Judith

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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