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Re: obscure Catskill comedy tunes

Bert Stratton wrote:

> "I Sit and Knit" and  "The Ice Cream Song"  by Bill Hodes.
> "Why They Fall in Fallsburg" by Lee Tully.
> Any ideas how I can hear, or buy recordings of, these tunes?

I have the Tully 78.  With all due respect, -- he was no Mickey Katz.


> If you've heard them, are they best forgotten?  classics?  Or something in
> between.
> thanks.
> Bert Stratton
> http//
> PS I emailed a DJ at a radio station in NJ.  He had played one of the above
> tunes on his show.  But he didn't respond.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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