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Yom Tov Erlich

I was wondering (as I dig out from the piles recently scrounged from
old record stores) if anyone can provide a little information on the
maker of one Chassidic tape I came across.

My phonetic reading is only fair, but I beleive this tape was
made by "Yom Tov Erlich".  I've not found any references searching
on line, but of course different transliteration can miss things.
However, I did notice in a transcript of a Pete Sokolow interview
him mentioning working once with "Yuntif Erlich".

The title of the tape is, I think "Emunot Tzadikim" (The Faith
of the Tsadik?).  Its a good listen, I wonder if anyone
can tell me a little more.

best regards
roger reid

Of course, it may be that this was made by the "Emunot" tsadiks,
(never heard of them, but that proves nothing) and that they 
are holiday songs and I don't get erlich.  

r l reid        ro (at) panix(dot)com

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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